Jan 4, 2012


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Today's topic is showers! Everyone (almost) takes 'em, but everyone takes 'em differently.

Do you scrub from top to bottom or bottom to top? Do you face the shower head or keep your back to it? Do you use bar soap, body wash, or some all-in-one super x-treme manly goop?

Share your thoughts, don't be shy, it's for science!


  1. Speaking of not showering, I read this today: http://www.asiaone.com/Health/News/Story/A1Story20110624-285808.html

    I personally like them really long, at least 20+ minutes!

  2. II think I'll just sit here and wait for the ladies to give their opinion, don't mind me lol

  3. Why do people need to shower anyway? LOL

  4. i spend 15 mins, thinking about the universe, then 5 mins washing :P

  5. Can't join in this topic :( don't take showers, only ever had baths, my GF has a shower/bath at her house but I always insist on having a bath :D you can't light scented candles when you have a shower!

  6. Back to shower
    body wash
    bath sponge
    top to bottom
    Head and shoulders for shampoo or some anti-dandruff off brand.

  7. It's funny I always have the same routine, but sometimes I forget where I am in my routine as I do it deliriously from my lack of sleep :P

  8. I do a hand-stand in the shower.

  9. I shower every day but only wash one half of the body at a time. Mixin it up!

  10. I lather from top to bottom and rinse. And sometimes I sit on the toilet seat and poop out whatever I have in my rectum. And of course, I spend some time cleaning my manly pride. Nothing rocks more than a clean dick!

  11. But I am shy!

    Super hot water, face away from the shower head. I wash my hair first and then use girly body wash and one of those poofy loofah things (it's pink, of course.)

    I take reeeeeaaaaaly long showers.

  12. top to bottom, body wash, face the shower.

  13. I scrub from the bottom down and used to use soap but recently started using body wash too.

  14. @Jess, I disagree on the candles in the shower! Well... outside the shower on the toilet is probably less perfect. I should take more relaxing baths. =)

    @Aedan: Yes! How weird is that feeling? It's like realizing you've arrived at work but don't remember driving there... but probably less dangerous.

    @Heaven, long showers are the best! It's more difficult in my crappy little apartment with its tiny water heater, but when I was living with my parents (and not paying for heating), I was hated by the whole family for my long showers.

